SCHF Club of the Year
Official Rules for SCHF Club of the Year Competition:
(Revised 9/10/21)
- SCHF Club of the Year is awarded to clubs that earn points throughout a season. A season’s dates will be defined each time, but will generally start with an SCHF Bragging Rights (BRO) Competition, and end approximately two weeks before the following SCHF (therefore, a season is just short of one year).
- Points are awarded to clubs via their members entering specified homebrew competitions. These competitions come in two forms: CHA-Organized Competitions, and CHA-Recognized Competitions.
- CHA-Organized Competitions are primarily judged by the CHA Board of Directors. These include the SCHF Bragging Rights Only Competition, and any CHA Best of Show Competition during the applicable season.
- CHA-Recognized Competitions are homebrew competitions that meet specific guidelines for the season. In general, CHA-Recognized competitions follow these guidelines:
- They are Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP)-approved competitions, therefore, they follow the rules and regulations listed on .
- Their entry dates, deadlines, and judging guidelines are published in advance.
- Entry to the competition is not limited or restricted to specific clubs or groups of people beyond reasonable entry fees.
- The results of the competition, specifically Best of Show and Category/Table winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd place), are publicly available for competition point verification.
- Points are awarded for Best of Show and Category/Table places as follows: 1st place gets 3 points, 2nd place gets 2 points, and 3rd place gets 1 point.
- Points are weighted depending on the competition. All CHA-Organized Competitions combined are 50%, and all CHA-Recognized Competitions combined are 50%.
- For Example: At the end of the season, assume 100 points are total points claimed for CHA-Recognized Competitions, and 25 points are the total points claimed for CHA-Organized Competitions. Those 25 points need to get scaled up by the weighting factor. For 100 CHA-Recognized Competition points, 100/25 = 4 Recognized Competition Points for each Organized competition point. In other words, 1 point in a CHA-organized competition is now worth 4 points in the weighted grand total.
- All point claims must be submitted to the CHA Board of Directors for recognition in the Club of the Year Competition. Send all claims to . CHA Board of Directors reserves the right to verify all point claims using publicly available data.
- A designated club member may submit points on behalf of any one of their club members.
- The publicly available competition data must list both 1) the full name of the person placing in the competition; 2) their affiliated club.
- The SCHF Club of the Year will be announced at the season’s end SCHF. The Club will be given a trophy to commemorate the event. The trophy must be returned by the following SCHF.
- While The Club is highly encouraged to have a booth at SCHF, it is not a requirement to win.